Reading 1820 Blogs Daily!

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January 8, 2024
What's New? from From the Strawberry Patch...

What's new, besides the year?! I've been busy with new things, breadmaking for one. Loaves abound! As I posted before, I am baking rustic, sourdough loaves from a wild starter on a weekly basis now. Mr. G. was eager to resurrect another sourdough starter, similar to one that I had used back when our children were small. It is fed with sugar and instant mashed potato flakes and produces sweeter,

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What's New? from From the Strawberry Patch...

What's new, besides the year?! I've been busy with new things, breadmaking for one. Loaves abound! As I posted before, I am baking rustic, sourdough loaves from a wild starter on a weekly basis now. Mr. G. was eager to resurrect another sourdough starter, similar to one that I had used back when our children were small. It is fed with sugar and instant mashed potato flakes and produces sweeter,

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January 2, 2024
Happy New Year ... 1934 from The Chester County Criswell Quilt


Hurray for a New Year and a New Focus for the blog.  It's 2024, and the plan is to turn the calendar back ninety years to 1934.

Why 1934?  Because there is so much material to explore and collect with hundreds of patchwork patterns printed daily in the newspapers and quilt competitions across the country (including Australia.)

So let's get started!  The first block for the new year is ....

Snail's Trail


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January 3, 2023
Welcome 2023 from Daisychain Quilter

 Happy New Year!  Here we go again.  Let's begin.  My word for 2023 is 'Limitless'.  

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new year, new post . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Are You there God?  It's me, Margaret.  

I pulled this Judy Blume book off the shelves at the library in Oak Hill Elementary, my third grade year.  I remember reading it over and over, during the course of my two-week check out.  The contents, which were so gripping to me fifty-plus years ago, have long been forgotten, but the title grabs me in different circumstances ALL the time, to this day.

Are you there fellow bloggers?  It's me, Denise.  :)

My niece, Megan, who is owner and founder of Two Tales Editing, sent out a clever gif on her ...

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January 2, 2023
New Year, New Goals, New Milestones! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Happy New Year! I've given up on any guiding words or resolutions for 2023; I decided that I didn't want to set myself up for any disappointments or failure in that arena. Instead I have set some goals, both short and long term.  With an active, growing puppy in the house, it seems right to set the biggest long term goal for this year as one that sees Augie growing into a well behaved and

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New Year, New Goals, New Milestones! from From the Strawberry Patch...

Happy New Year! I've given up on any guiding words or resolutions for 2023; I decided that I didn't want to set myself up for any disappointments or failure in that arena. Instead I have set some goals, both short and long term.  With an active, growing puppy in the house, it seems right to set the biggest long term goal for this year as one that sees Augie growing into a well behaved and

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January 1, 2023
2022 - A Very Quilty Year from Sew........This Is My Blog

2022 has been a very quilty year!   I met almost all my goals, .....

..... finished nearly everything on my "Sew What" ("to do") list, .....


..... had seventeen finishes for the year, and completed my 400th quilt. 

I even made two Christmas gifts, which I haven't done in many, many (many!) years.  (That may be the most impressive thing of all!)

Tomorrow I'll set new goals and update my UFO list.  Happy New Year, everyone.  May all your quilty dreams come true!

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Happy New Year 2023 from From My Carolina Home

I didn’t get a tablescape done in time for this post, so here is my Japanese Inspired Tablescape from my New Year post in 2020, along with recipes. Everything on the table except the flowers and napkins came from my thrift store and estate sale excursions. I love these lacquer dishes and they blend nicely with the black stoneware with the gold embellishments I use mostly around the New Year weekend. This year I am planning to donate more dishes and tablescaping stuff, and just have less stuff all around.

Most years, I put out an all white table ...

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December 31, 2022
Looking back, looking forward from Quilting with Kimberly

The waning hours of 2022 are upon us. Less than 24 hours to go until a new year will be ushered in to greet us all. 

Sweet Fuzzy Wuzzy, napping on the cool patio during very warm days.

Roo food, apples, and water were always on hand at Chez Einmo.

This year, perhaps more than most, I’m glad to see the end of 2022 and I’m looking forward with great expectation to everything 2023 will bring. Don’t misunderstand; there were some exciting things which happened in 2022. I think of friends we met along the way, the ...

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January 11, 2022
New Year, New Perspective from From the Strawberry Patch...

So, I've got a new perspective moving forward. Less is more, simpler is better. We'll see how it goes. Christmas is taken down and stowed away for another eleven months. It took me two full days this year, one for take down and the second for cleaning and organizing what's being put away. I suppose that's a direct reflection of getting older. That second part (cleaning and organizing) triggered

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New Year, New Perspective from From the Strawberry Patch...

So, I've got a new perspective moving forward. Less is more, simpler is better. We'll see how it goes. Christmas is taken down and stowed away for another eleven months. It took me two full days this year, one for take down and the second for cleaning and organizing what's being put away. I suppose that's a direct reflection of getting older. That second part (cleaning and organizing) triggered

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January 9, 2022
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2022 from Daisychain Quilter

Welcome to 2022.  I hope and pray that we will all find peace and happiness in this new year.  What has happen over the last past two years has been so challenging and hard at times.

A new year, new start and new beginning.  So let's start...

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January 2, 2022
one day in . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

I love the new year . . . the roll out of new resolutions, new challenges, a new word, and a fresh opportunity to get it right.  A clean slate, so to speak!  Mind you, I do not do resolutions, but I do enjoy selecting a word to focus on for the coming year. This year my word is . . .
Yup, aware. That works on a lot levels.  Yesterday, it was important for me to be weather aware.

When your temps get up to eighty degrees ahead of a cold front, chances are good severe weather will follow.  It was a balmy, windy ...

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January 1, 2022
Happy New Year! from Life In Pieces


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out with the old . . . from Count it *all* JOY!

Happy New Year!

Well, almost. Counting down the remaining hours until 2022 here in good ol' central time . . . two and a half more hours! Figured I'd get one more post in and make it a rounded up forty-five for the year.  <grin> 

I got a Clover brand pom-pom maker.  This thing is such fun . . .
The possibilities are endless! You'll be seeing more of this in 2022. <wink>

My top nine photos from 2021 on Instagram. I shared my last nine years of top nines on my account, @daneesey.  It was fun to take the walk down memory lane ...

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December 31, 2021
Twixmas? from From the Strawberry Patch...

A blog-reading friend sent me the link to another blogger  who recently had a most interesting post regarding Twixmas. The term was new to me, but once I read the post I understood fully why my friend had forwarded it to me. After that last post regarding the self-imposed "grace period" granted between Christmas and New Year's, I learned that, according to this afore-mentioned blogger, what I was

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Twixmas? from From the Strawberry Patch...

A blog-reading friend sent me the link to another blogger  who recently had a most interesting post regarding Twixmas. The term was new to me, but once I read the post I understood fully why my friend had forwarded it to me. After that last post regarding the self-imposed "grace period" granted between Christmas and New Year's, I learned that, according to this afore-mentioned blogger, what I was

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December 1, 2021
Time for New Beginnings Draws Near! from QUilting By-You

I know, we still need to make a decision about the sashing. What could be taking us so long? Well, holiday season. Don’t get us wrong, we love the holidays! Right now things just get a little crazy with everyone trying to get gifts completed on time. With the pandemic, people have been sewing and getting tops done and trying to get those caught up as well. This just makes things a little busier at the shop and we don’t always get back to our own projects.

That being said, New Year’s is one of my favorites ...

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February 9, 2021
Year of the Ox: Colour & Inspiration Tuesday from Clever Chameleon

Year of the Ox colour scheme at Clever Chameleon

Lunarcy Quilt: Year of the Ox Block Release Day (Final installment)

Happy New Year! Happy Lunar New Year that is, wished for you for this coming Friday – the 12th of February 2021. Holy cow, it’s goodbye Year of the Rat 2020 and heeeelloooo Year of the Ox!

Why all the ox-citement? Well, today marks the end of our epic 2020 Lunarcy quilt pattern journey. It is time to release of the Year of the Ox pattern, the last of our twelve collectible animal appliqués representing the Chinese zodiac. With all twelve appliqués now available to you, they can be ...

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  • new year
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